Monday, February 26, 2007


Sunday was a day of celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Elsh. Adam finished his two week intensive study at San Jose State and Valentine's Day was continued. We started out the usual way, hitting up Queen Malika and Starbucks. Then we went to the AMC Van Ness and with about a dozen other early birds, took in a showing of The Number 23. Very exciting! Y'all should definitely see it. Jim Carrey is quite the dramatic actor, if we do say so ourselves. Back at the pad we enjoyed some Call of Duty 3 and sirius music. Fun times! Then it was on to the Bi-Rite Creamery, for the most delicious treats. If you ever stop in, we recommend the roasted banana, chocolate combo. After that a little grocery shopping at Bi Rite market for our dinner ingredients. With the help of a couple Martha Stewart recipes we enjoyed the most delicious BLT's and a spicy garlic potato soup. Oh my goodness...we've never had a soup that called for two heads of garlic, but it was so amazingly good, it's sure to be a regular guest in our kitchen. To top the night off we popped in a Kurosawa flick: The Bad Sleep Well, and partook in our game of choice - Scrabble. All in all, it was a day of relaxation and good food. What more can you ask for?

Friday, February 16, 2007

V-Day Part One

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! After a long day of work and school, we enjoyed a delicious dinner and yummy dessert. But as a couple hours just isn't enough for these lovebirds, we're having 2 V-Days this year. Yippeee!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Morning Walk

Saturday morning was perfect for a little city walk! We first hit up the local Starbucks, then walked on to the post office to retrieve a book Ad needs for school. Then, on to the library to get 8 more books Ad needs for school. That's a lot of reading to accomplish in one week. Wish him luck y'all!