Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree!

We decorated our psychedelic tree last night and it started to feel a lot like Christmas! With the Sirius playing Christmas music, chilly San Francisco air, and hot mugs of tea...aaahhhh, don't you just love this time of year?!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Random Thanks

Here's a few more pictures for good measure. A couple are from Modesto's Brenden Theater. We went to see No Country For Old Men on Saturday and, by golly, it's a good one friendo!

Thanksgiving with the Elsholzs

Third time is surely a charm, when it comes to Thanksgiving celebrations. Jim and Pam invited us to their lovely home, complete with a newly landscaped yard (koi pond and all!), to partake in some good old fashioned fun. We had delicious ham sandwiches and pie and got a little crazy with the Mexican Train Dominoes. Plus, they really got us into the Christmas spirit with the beautiful decorations. Oh la la!

Back Pass, Sideways Pass, Goal Pass

Foosball was the game of choice Thanksgiving Day. Matches were intense and there were injuries left and right...but nothing a little back brace and some electrical tape couldn't take care of!

Thanksgiving at the Nylens

We had a lot to give thanks for at Grandma and Grandpa Nylen's this year...what a feast! The folks outdid themselves as usual with a delicious turkey and ham, stuffing (with pine nuts!), sweet potatoes, jello, and all sorts of other goodies. After dinner we kicked off a rousing game of Catch Phrase...Go Manatees!

Thanksgiving at the Schroeders

Mom, Dad, Gramps, Lynn, Andrew, Ad and Lil enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving feast out on on River Road this year. Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce and mashed nashnanas...oh the mouth waters just thinking about it. Great job as usual mom!

Walk this Way

Andrew demonstrates his stilt strut.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Just another day at work!

Thursday, November 08, 2007