Sunday, January 27, 2008

There Will Be Blood

A must see.


We had a delicious breakfast at Craig's Place to kick off our Sunday morning. We met Lilly's cousin Tom, who was in town visiting, and Lynn, who is a new resident of this here city. We discussed jobs, parking, of which was There Will Be Blood, which you all should see. But, now it's on to business! We must do our homework! Arrrrgghhh!

Off to the Market

Isn't all this rain fun? Even walks to Bi-Rite are an adventure!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Peasant Pie Heaven

Peasant Pies
are the shiznit. Today they unveilved a new one: ham and eggs. Lilly walked in and bought the last one they had, just for her hubby. Well, needless to say, it was heaven baked in a golden crust.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Tartine in the Morning

We awoke to a storm of a different breed this morning, with tiny snowflakes fluttering by our window. They were so delicate that they melted the instant they hit our hands, but we saw them, we swear! There's only one way to celebrate such a joyous occasion, and that is breakfast at Tartine Bakery! We braved the elements and came back with a feast. Cranberry bread pudding that melts in your mouth, crispy ham and cheese croissants and a currant orange scone for good measure. Oh la la!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Let's see...fate, wait, mate, late, contemplate, about: Great in 2008! Ad and Lil rode muni to Embarcadero where about half the Bay Area came together to ring in the new year and catch the fireworks display. What a show! Happy New Year everyone!