Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hottub at Rickshaw

Dance dance revolution in my pants pants?! The trio of rappers that make up Hottub were spitting these rhymes and other gems last night. Hella fun. And the super special surprise guest was our beloved Wallpaper....yaaay! We danced the night away and got to see a pimp breakdancer! And of course we ended the night by getting a delicious slice of pizza pie from Thrill of the Grill, formerly Cable Car Pizza. Woot woot!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Oh Sunset

lordy, lordy

Stella at Cobbs

Stella came to Cobbs, so we came to Stella. The funny trio brought all their friends out to make us laugh and have a good time. Lieutenant Dangle and Janeane Garofalo were there, plus a few more whose names we can't remember (but that's not to say they weren't memorable). It was hella fun!

Wicked As They Come

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Noir City

We walked over to the Castro Theater to fill up on some noir-y goodness. We got to see Arlene Dahl on the silver screen and in person! She told us about how she became famous and her dalliances with Gary Cooper, Fred Astaire, John F. Kennedy & more. Juicy stuff. We saw the last surviving print of Wicked as they Come - which was amazing. How can they not reproduce it? Makes us wonder how many others we'll never see. The second film, Slightly Scarlet, was a great one for sisters to see. Fun times!

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Ettes at The Rickshaw

Last night, we made a choice....a choice to rock. So, we went to the Rickshaw Stop and watched the Ettes bring down the house. Buying the drummer a vodka soda gave us an excuse to get up close to the stage, where we got pummeled by the all-girl mosh pit. The show definitely renewed our faith in the genre and we can't wait to see them again. Woohoo!

Monday, January 19, 2009


What do you with half a day off in this beautiful weather? Go to the beach of course! Armed with a New Yorker and iced tea, we set out for a lovely afternoon of lazing to the sound of waves crashing. We read a good article about Scrabble and another about movie marketing. Who knew there were such die hard Scrabble players? In some countries Scrabble champs are worshipped like gods. And ever wonder why trailers are so much better than the actual movies these days? It turns out marketing pros run most film studios. Nuts!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lunch in Dolores

Valencia Stroll

We did the Mission Circuit today, and wondered: is it seriously January? It was like a warm Summer day for Christ's sake! The line to the Bi-Rite Creamery was ridiculous. They're going to have to open another location to fulfill the demand. Dang! Maybe next time...

Kabuki Anyone?

After din it seemed like a perfect time to see a good flick. We decided upon Gran Torino, which was an excellent film in our opinion. The assigned seating at the Kabuki was pretty cool as well...making it super easy to get popcorn and drinks without missing out on a good spot. Woot woot!

Dining Asqew

Since Cha Cha Cha had an hour and a half wait, we made our way down Haight to Asqew Grill. Though not the most delectible fare, it was perfect for some fine conversation. We loved the funky clocks too!