Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sew Cool

The pile of fabric got a little smaller thanks to a sewing night! Hecka cute blankets galore :) What fun...yaaay!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Baseball's Back!

Our first game of the season! The park was beautiful and the weather was superb, oh la la. So, the hot dogs are still pretty good, the entertainment is still pretty entertaining, Aaron Rowand's stance is still pretty hilarious...put it together with a great game and - voila - baseball's back! Yaaay!

Monday, April 20, 2009

420 at Dolores

Mexican food on the grass. Hecka fun!

Happy 420!

First Day at the New Job

Adam is now the library manager at a design school. We're so happy for this opportunity. Yaaaay!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Funday

We slept in, despite Bippy's greatest efforts to make us feed him. Then a nice lazy breakfast and some sweet tunes from MGMT, MIA & the Ting Tings fired us up to go for a walkabout. Speaking of music - you gotsta stop in at Virgin to catch the great deals before they close their doors in one week! Outside there were hoards of people flocking to the park for the Easter festivities - a drag queen contest and live you can imagine how crazy it was. We decided to order from Delfina Pizzeria and since it was gonna take 40 minutes, we walked on down the line to Ramblas . Well, some people are lucky enough to know how tasty their churros and chocolate sauce are...we are in that instead of chocolate Easter bunnies, that's just what we had. Mmmmm! Then it was a just a lovely afternoon of walking in the Mish, on the sunny side cuz there was a chilly wind. We found some cool clothes for Ad's new job - and the creme de la creme - the chicken purse. Yaaay! Happy Easter everyone!