Sunday, June 28, 2009

Fruit Cups

On a hot, sunny day in the city nothing is as good as a nice fruit salad! Mmmmm!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pride '09

Dolores Park was off the heezy Saturday! People from all walks of life came to celebrate diversity and enjoy the beautiful weather. A seemingly endless line of revelers was streaming into the neighborhood, in all sorts of crazy costumes. Good times!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lilly Bday


We enjoyed a nice day of relaxing after our big trip...sleeping in, having a nice breakfast. Then it was on to shop at Shotwell and American Apparell for some cool treats. Some Luna Park in our bellies, we made our way to Cafe Du Nord to hear the amazing sounds of Dat Politic and dance the night away. Fun way to birthday!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Drive on Five

While Hwy 5 is nice looking, it lasts for freakin EVER! We've gotten spoiled living in the city getting from point A to point B in like 10 mins. Never thought it would come to this, but next time we'll probably fly.

Streets of LA

With Ad in meetings most of the day, Lilly had plenty of time to drive 'round and see the sights. Pretty interesting place L.A. is. Huge intersections downtown and parking lot after parking lot. Lots of nice looking old buildings. The fashion district was an area full of these cheap, crappy shops...bizarro. Oh, and in Santa Monica we saw a shop that had the chicken purse in the window! For din we stopped in at the Library Ale House, which was bomb. There's definitely a cool energy in the air and the people are really nice. Looking forward to our next trip in July!

Figueroa Hotel in L.A.

We took a drive to L.A. for a conference. They put us up in this sweet spot downtown. We had a nice view of the freeways and parking lots, but also a gorgeous sunset. Oh la la!

Emily Bday

Emily celebrated her homecoming and birthday this weekend...with drinks, bomb nachos and sweet music!