Monday, May 31, 2010

Hangin' with Em and Jay

We went out shopping and got some pretty cool things...Jay got some cute blouses, Lil got some sunglasses, Em got a headband, and Ad got some slacks and shirts...sweet! Then it was to Tropisueno for some bomb foodems and margaritas. Num num!!!

Sunny Lunch Time

Now it's heating up...perfect!

Friday, May 28, 2010

School's Out for Summer

We showed our final drawings - 5 or 6 figures in a coordinating line. Fun times!

Pres in SF

Ad couldn't tell which car he was in...but he went by!

Lunch at the Park

Damn, the sun comes out...we's gots to get us some! Even if it is still chilly...but there's a crazy sweater and a beanie for that!!!

Country Livin'

A few more we forgot...awww, how perty :)

Gary's Bomb Breakfast

We forgot to put these pics up after our last visit...but better late than never! Gary sure cooks up a bomb brek:)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Art Exhibit at Fort Mason

MFA exhibition for SFAI. So many cool had cinnamon dusted everywhere around the setting which smelled sooo good! The artist was trying to bring back childhood memories and smell was a big part of it. Another was a Western film shootout with 4 television sets. One was playing a John Wayne movie. The other 3 t.v.'s played video of bullets shooting through televisions making it look like John Wayne was shooting them. Another installation had a camera that turned the viewers into "cyborgs" which we had fun with. So many cool things to look at! Awesome!