Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Walk to the Brar

We returned Holidays on Ice and checked out Barrel Fever - listening to Sedaris is funny times!

Giants v. Dodgers Night One

It was a cool night for a baseball game - beautiful big moon and all - but the Giants couldn't pull off a win. Dang!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Birthday Time with the Fam

Mom and Dad surprised us with the awesome gift of bicycles!!! We've got wheels! So, since Sunday we've been riding around this fine city and it's too much fun :) We got a couple backpacks from Buffalo Exchange so we can grocery shop and whatnot. Awesome...and what good exercise. We'll be in shape for paintball wars in no time!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ridin' Horsies

We headed out to Point Reyes to get our yeehaw on! The Sky Camp trail was full of all sorts of beauty and we were escorted by the nicest horses Summer and Rabbit. We got to trot around in the woods, see a couple of baby deer and a bobcat! Woot!