Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Blog Announcement

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schroeder of Ripon, California, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lillian Suzanne Schroeder to Adam Eli Elsh, son of James Elsh and Janis Nylen of Manteca, California. Miss Schroeder, a graduate of San Francisco State University, is currently attending the Apparel Arts Institute in San Francisco and working as a shopgirl in the lovely Noe Valley. Mr. Elsh, also a graduate of San Francisco State University, is currently enrolled in the graduate program at San Jose State University and working as a reference librarian at a prestigous law firm. Highschool sweethearts, Adam and Lilly wax poetic about their first date to the local Baskin Robbins and the first time Adam asked Lilly for a hug after giving her a ride home. The two look forward to a life of love, happiness and adventure together.


Anonymous said...

I love the picture! You both look great. Very nice announcement....Mom

Anonymous said...

is this the announcement you are sending to the ripon record? ok, i really like the picture.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, something similar will be in the 'ol Record. How fun and cheesy and the same time :)

Anonymous said...

So cute....can't wait! ~Love ya, Les