Sunday, January 28, 2007

It's our Anniversary!

We celebrated 10 years this weekend!!! In honor of the occasion, we did a few of our favorite things. First we woke up, then we ate oatmeal and drank espresso, then got ready, left and filled up the tank in the old Celica, hit up Starbucks, then the Golden Gate Bridge and on to Freestone, home of the delcious Wildflower Bakery. That place is our favorite little destination ever! We had lunch in the cute Sebastapol town square and then it was back to San Francisco for an afternoon of shopping. Impossible as it sounds, we found nothing...but that's probably because we had to go to the Stonestown Mall (pathetic) due to protests congesting up the downtown area. We enjoyed a delicious dinner at Chow on Church Street...yummy! Today, we continued the celebrating and went out to breakfast at Queen Malika's...home of the most satisfying crepes we've ever tried. Then Starbuck's on Mariposa gave us our caffeine fix so we could try shopping again. This time, our luck was much better...Bloomingdales is awesome! Lilly found a hot pair of Paige Denim jeans and Ad got some snazzy pants by Theory and Cool Hunting People. Not bad! After enjoying a delicious rye and turkey sandwich, we're ready for a good movie and some Scrabble. Now that's celebrating done right!


Unknown said...

Are those the clips I got you, Lilly??

lulu said...

yes ma'am! i love them :)

Unknown said...
