Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Monterey Baby!

Ad and Lil made their way to Monterey last weekend to visit Lynn at her new place! Andrew came up from Ripon and together we hit up some local hot spots. First off was Starbucks, of course, and then on to the gorgeous beach at Carmel where we threw a stuffed animal around for Squeak (Lynn's dog) and took in the sights. Gorgeous! We walked around downtown for a while, took in some local bands playing on the pier, and enjoyed the fresh sea air. After that it was pizza at Gianni's, just about the biggest pizza restaurant we've ever seen, and quite delicious as well. The evening was spent picking out some fine brew at Whole Foods, drinking it, then going out to the bars. Good times! All in all it was a great night, followed by a yummy trip to the Paris Bakery the next morning.

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