Saturday, May 12, 2007

Aloha Wedding Shower!

The family got together Saturday to celebrate the coming nuptials of Clint and Alicia. We enjoyed an Aloha themed barbecue, homemade Jeopardy game and super yummy dessert. It's getting close to time to fly to Kauai y'all! Clint and Alicia are registered at Bed Bath and Beyond and REI, for all the shoppers out there :) And if any of you have songs you want to hear at the reception, send the titles and artists their way!


Reyn said...

Ad and Lil,

Luv the pics! I'm sure the excitement for the trip and wedding is picking up as the big date is coming fast. Looks like a great time was had by all at the shower...

Anonymous said...

Hey Reyn,

Thanks for stopping by! We're looking forward to seeing you in Hawaii and taking even more pics! Only 40 days left :)

- Ad and Lil