Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Foggy City

Memorial Day was another moody, foggy day for us in the city. We did some gardening out back -geraniums should be filling out a certain corner fairly soon. Then it was on to some book-keeping and homework, topped off with some home-movie editing. We can't wait to show y'all the dvd's we're working on! So far, Uncle Don, Clint and Gary are giving us plenty of comic relief. Thanks guys!


Reyn said...

Please leave the fog in the city when you go to Kaua'i. I bet you're hoping for sunny blue skies and a warm Pacific ocean!!

I fly to Lihue on Friday am and leave Sunday am. Anyone up for a hike or snorkeling or whatever...What are the 1001 things to do on Kaua'i?!!!

Anonymous said...

Snorkel Day!!! We arrive Wednesday, late and depart Monday late. Let's shoot for Friday!