Saturday, June 09, 2007

News from Iraq

Lilly's cousin, Tom Schroeder, sent word about life in Iraq and we thought we'd share it with you. Following is an excerpt and a link to a news article. Can't wait 'til you're home Tom! "Back in January one of our battalion's aircraft was shot down, killing all twelve on board. I was part of another flight that was a few miles away and saw it all unfold. We flew over to the crash site to help. One of the crew chiefs saw the bad guys leaving in a truck so we took care of business. We were given awards yesterday. One of the pictures is me with the rest of the crew on my aircraft. The other picture is Gen. Petraeus and me after the ceremony.Check out this article. We're still looking at coming home mid-August. It can't come soon enough." CW2 Thomas Schroeder

1 comment:

Reyn said...

This should remind us to pray for our troops over there.

Thank you for sharing about your cousin and his story.