Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Birthday to Adam!

To kick off Adam's birthday celebration, we hit up the Slow Club for a delicious meal and some cocktails. Then, the search was on for a Starbuck's that was still open at 10:30pm. Well, we drove by several that were dark and empty and then came upon a friendly Polk Street neighborhood coffeehouse that was perfect. Very strong americanos...just the ticket! Then we parked the car and sauntered over to the Mission where we first tried our local dive, the 500 Club, which has apparently outgrown it's "dive" status because there wasn't even standing room. We proceeded to Kilowatt, where we found a nice little spot at the end of the bar with a view of the t.v. and Sportscenter. Oh la la! Happy B-day Adam!


Reyn said...


Happy Belated Birthday to Ya!

And thanks to you and Lilly for the great pics you put on from Kauai.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Reyn!