Sunday, November 02, 2008

Cold Busted

Well, we must really like Dave Chapelle. We arrived at the Punchline at 11:30 for a midnight act. At quarter to 2, after standing in the freezing cold for a couple hours, we were welcomed inside. We were seated not 20 feet from Chapelle, smack dab in the middle of the room...woot woot! First we got a few minutes of laughs from Shane Wang, then Chapelle took the stage, smoking a cigarillo. He said a lot of funny stuff and we laughed really hard. We got to hear about his family and a nasty masseuse and he played some good songs for us, including the one in this post. He said he lives in a bubble and likes being on stage and he was lonely and didn't want to go back to his hotel.

I guess that's partly why when 6am rolled around we were still sitting there, eyelids drooping and backs aching. He kept leading us on with the promise of a big finale. But when he heard it was daylight savings time, he settled in and didn't appear to be in any hurry to leave. He was still being funny! We, however, decided to call it a night and drag ourselved to the sidewalk to find a cab (since our car was by now locked up in the parking garage). And now, the next day, we've slept in til noon and need to go get our car and it looks like it's gonna rain. But man o man was it fun to see Chapelle not 20 feet away and being funny as hell til the wee hours of the morn.

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