Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tortilla Heights

We had so much fun at the taqueria on Divis...woot woot! Dinner and drinks and we saw the place fill up and then empty out. And we talked about life and decisions and bubbles. And we're all so sad Emily is leaving and we won't have these nights anymore!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Lady Sovereign - Food Play

Lady Sovereign at Rickshaw Stop

So, we've been anticipating this show for, like, days. And we go and we listen to the not-so-good opening act, Chester French, and we dance to the dj's...and we just can't wait for SOV! So, finally 'round midnight she comes on stage and goes right into "Let's Be Mates." Woohooo! Yaay! After she finishes the song she says something about the sound - she can't hear herself. We assume someone behind the scenes was trying to fix it...she just kept talking to the crowd and waiting...but every time she talked into the mic she said she still needed it fixed. She decides to bring a fan on stage to test it out...the fan talks into the mic and says she hears herself just fine. So, SOV says "ok, they turned it up a bit louder...and maybe it's my hat...and my small ears." So, begrudgingly she starts another song - "I Got You Dancing" and about halfway into it she gets a bunch of feedback, then throws the mic down and walks off stage. The dj starts again and we're like WTF? Is it over? After about 10 minutes she comes on stage and apologizes for her bad mood and complains more about her sound people and the venue and whatnot. Then she sings "So Human" and by the end she's very distraught. She continues more complaining about the sound and tells us she doesn't want to do the show "faking" it and proceeds to start crying a little and tells us she'll come back and do another show at a better venue. "Sorry." Whatever, biyatch.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Drape All Night

Get 'er done! It was a late night of skirt-making before finals...but staying up til 1:30 paid off. And now Lilly has something fun to wear this weekend that she made all by herself!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunny Sunday

Sunday we kept on with the theme of the weekend - enjoying this beautiful weather! This time we headed over to Hayes Valley and partook in the fine offerings of Absinthe...mmmm. We tried to find some new pants for Ad, but forget luck there. We did find a pimp shirt for him though :) Blue Bottle Coffee and Miette chocolate rounded out the afternoon and we walked on back home. Oh, and we saw the pathetic basketball hoop in the empty lot and felt totally sorry for whatever kid was expected to play with it. Then we had to chill at the park to try to catch the last bit of sun...cuz we know the fog is gonna roll in soon. All in all, it feels like we walked a total of 20 miles this weekend...but it was soooo worth it!

Saturday in the Park

Feels like Summer! A nice walkabout all over the Mission and then a break at Dolores to enjoy our goods from Tartine. We had to watch some of the Giants game, and rest up a bit...then it was out for some more rabble-rousing. We had some deliciousness at Ramblas and then it was on to Amnesia for their Hellatight Party - sweet 90's tunes spun by the dj. We danced til we couldn't dance no more and then headed home. The weather was still sweet even...these nights are the best! Woohoo!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Final Drape

Lilly started draping her final garment this week. It's going to be a first - making something to wear instead of something to go on the bed. Yaaay!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Sunny Saturday

What a gorgeous day to walk the streets of San Francisco and lounge the park of Dolores. We went to a clothing swap and a lawn sale and found some cool stuff - the coolest of which was a set of hecka old-school walkie-talkies. They even have 5ft antennas...we can't wait to walk 'round using those things! Then it was a bomb linner/dunch at Chow. Woohoo!

Roller Skates - Melanie

Monday, May 04, 2009

Right Said Fred

Photo Shoot on Location

With time on our hands and plenty of beautiful scenery - we decided to get creative and test out our modeling abilities. We had a lot of fun and made some good memories. Awwwwww!