Monday, May 25, 2009

Lady Sovereign at Rickshaw Stop

So, we've been anticipating this show for, like, days. And we go and we listen to the not-so-good opening act, Chester French, and we dance to the dj's...and we just can't wait for SOV! So, finally 'round midnight she comes on stage and goes right into "Let's Be Mates." Woohooo! Yaay! After she finishes the song she says something about the sound - she can't hear herself. We assume someone behind the scenes was trying to fix it...she just kept talking to the crowd and waiting...but every time she talked into the mic she said she still needed it fixed. She decides to bring a fan on stage to test it out...the fan talks into the mic and says she hears herself just fine. So, SOV says "ok, they turned it up a bit louder...and maybe it's my hat...and my small ears." So, begrudgingly she starts another song - "I Got You Dancing" and about halfway into it she gets a bunch of feedback, then throws the mic down and walks off stage. The dj starts again and we're like WTF? Is it over? After about 10 minutes she comes on stage and apologizes for her bad mood and complains more about her sound people and the venue and whatnot. Then she sings "So Human" and by the end she's very distraught. She continues more complaining about the sound and tells us she doesn't want to do the show "faking" it and proceeds to start crying a little and tells us she'll come back and do another show at a better venue. "Sorry." Whatever, biyatch.

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