Monday, January 31, 2011

Catorce Anos!!!

We celebrated our 14 year anniversary this weekend!!! First, we rolled out of bed and tumbled off to the movie theater...only to find out True Grit started 50 minutes later than we thought! So, we headed to Bloomingdales and got Pops a new pair of shoes! And we saw a designer red onesie on the rack for hella bank...we were ahead of the trend and got ours at LL Bean :) Then it was back to the theater where we saw True Grit, which, in Lilly's opinion, should get the Oscar this year. 127 Hours has Adams vote, fyi. After a delicious lunch of peasant pies, we headed over to Jackson Arms for a little target practice. We shot a 9MM and did pretty good, if we do say so ourselves. Then we rustled up some steak nachos and quesadillas and settled in at the homestead. A mighty fine anniversary indeed :)


ad said...

wow what a great day to cap off 14 years babe! now its time to take you shopping dang it. just tell me what you want! besides a trip to rome :) i love you so much!!

Anonymous said...

Ad and Lil,
Congrats to you on catorce aƱos!!

Lil said...

babe, I have all I could ever want!!! I love you more!!!!

Lilly & Adam said...

Thanks Reyn!!