Tuesday, June 26, 2007

They Came

The gang flew the friendly skies all the way to Kauai last week. With about 10 of us all on the same plane it was good times! Ad and Lil watched some Northern Exposure, Jay and Em played games on the laptop...Gar chewed some gum, Lee wondered why some lady from first class walked all the way to the rear restroom at least four different times, and Clint and Alicia did some reading. Gram, Gramps and Aunt Elvira just took it easy. We all got to enjoy the featured movie "Employee of the Month" and experience a bumpy landing into Lihue. Yaaaa!


Reyn said...

Great job with the blog and so fast with the updates. You just got back!! How do you do it?!

Anonymous said...

We're hard core! We do it for the blog, and you of course. Blog to live, live to blog!