Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunny Sunday

Sunday we kept on with the theme of the weekend - enjoying this beautiful weather! This time we headed over to Hayes Valley and partook in the fine offerings of Absinthe...mmmm. We tried to find some new pants for Ad, but forget luck there. We did find a pimp shirt for him though :) Blue Bottle Coffee and Miette chocolate rounded out the afternoon and we walked on back home. Oh, and we saw the pathetic basketball hoop in the empty lot and felt totally sorry for whatever kid was expected to play with it. Then we had to chill at the park to try to catch the last bit of sun...cuz we know the fog is gonna roll in soon. All in all, it feels like we walked a total of 20 miles this weekend...but it was soooo worth it!


emily said...

wow! this looks hella funner than B2B......LAMERSSSSSSSS

emily said...

just kidding I LOVE YOU

Lilly said...

i know...we overslept :( but we did walk a ton and saw a bunch of people in their costumes! so it was sorta like a brunch b2b!!!