Sunday, August 24, 2008

happy to be here...happy to be alive!

Outside Lands Day 2: Exciting, Exhausting, Excellent! We arrived Saturday around 12:30, got some lunch and headed to the Sutro stage to see Abigail Washburn & The Sparrow Quartet. Some nice banjo pluckin' tunes are a great way to start the day! Then we wandered over to see Rupa & The April Fishes, where a couple of dervishes were whirling through the crowd. The Coup was callin us, so we headed over to the big meadow for our favorite mutiny. Right after that show, Galactic's Crescent City Soul Krewe started in with some funk. We stuck around for about half the show, then it was off to Lupe Fiasco...which was a fiasco. Way too much bass and it sounded just awful...the only disappointing show of the whole festival, but at least we weren't expecting much from him. Cafe Tacvba was next...the guy in the white hat. People were really into him and there was good energy all around. By 6 Ben Harper & the Innocent Criminals were on, back in the big meadow. So, we got something good to eat and settled in for some tunes. After Ben, Cake was up at the Sutro Stage, so that's where we went. Cake was awesome!!! So much fun, such good music, oh la la! They played the songs we all love to hear! Then they gave a tree to the lucky audience member who guessed it was a Live Oak. After Cake, it was time for the grand finale...Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers! Scream, scream, scream! Tom Petty is the man! He played a sweet show, then left, then the crowd cheered for him to come back and of course they did. And then it was on! The encore was the best part of the show...about 7 of his best songs to dance like crazy to! Break Down, American Girl, Running Down a Dream...the stuff festivals are made for! We loved it! Then we dragged our tired, weary bodies to the car to get back home and in to bed, so we could do it all again the next day!

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